Control Harley Davidson

Harley Davidson Handlebar Grip Spiral control Pull Panhead Shovelhead Sportster

Harley Davidson Handlebar Grip Spiral control Pull Panhead Shovelhead Sportster
Harley Davidson Handlebar Grip Spiral control Pull Panhead Shovelhead Sportster
Harley Davidson Handlebar Grip Spiral control Pull Panhead Shovelhead Sportster
Harley Davidson Handlebar Grip Spiral control Pull Panhead Shovelhead Sportster

Harley Davidson Handlebar Grip Spiral control Pull Panhead Shovelhead Sportster    Harley Davidson Handlebar Grip Spiral control Pull Panhead Shovelhead Sportster

Here is one genuine original Harley-Davidson handlebar grip and spiral control part #56220-58. Have seen these on the Panhead Shovelhead Sportster and Flathead Servi-Car models. Please double check to be certain that this is correct for your exact model and exact year.

Harley Davidson Handlebar Grip Spiral control Pull Panhead Shovelhead Sportster    Harley Davidson Handlebar Grip Spiral control Pull Panhead Shovelhead Sportster